Dr. Gao uses Chinese herbal medicine in combination with acupuncture and other techniques. The tea which is prescribed is a medicine primarily and there are hundreds of herbs that can be used however Dr. Gao will select the herbal medicines that are necessary for your conditions.
What is Chinese herb tea?
Chinese herb teas or powder formulas are customized for each individual and may change according to the presenting symptoms. Each formula usually contains 4 or 15 different herbs. The King herb addresses the root of the disease. Minister herbs aid the king herb in treating the principle disease. Assistant herbs make the formula less harsh. Envoy herbs help and harmonize the actions of the other ingredients. Dr. Gao will teach you how to prepare your tea in her clinic.
Read more about chinese herbal medicine in this article by the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association >
When you meet with Dr. Gao it is important you discuss the current medications you are taking as Chinese herbal medicines can be powerful tools to help your body system and should not conflict with other medications. Western medicine has taken many of the chemical compounds from traditional medicine and incorporated it into prescription drugs. While herbal medicine teas may look like standard teas they are primarily a medicine in a more natural form.